Growth Guide

E-Commerce SEO

E-Commerce SEO Solutions

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the art of optimizing your website with specific keywords to increase the traffic and rank yourself high on the result page of a search engine, like Google.

SEO For E-Commerce Website

Google wants to satisfy its users by providing them the answers to the queries they are looking for. The search engine giant doesn’t want the searchers to wander around the internet and return to it asking the same question using other words. Therefore it keeps on working to make the SEO algorithm better constantly. So working on SEO means learning about it regularly.

The SEO for an E-commerce website is not very different. Following the basics and little improvisation is what it requires to rank it high.

  • Keywords research: Any SEO strategy, whether it’s E-commerce or not, starts with keyword research. Choosing the wrong keywords may hurt your ranking and your site won’t land up on page one. You’ll rank for keywords that are optimized for your customers’ search.
  • The structure of the website: After you have researched the correct keywords for your website, you have to work on the structure of your website. Things like, making your site easily navigable and setting the product categories that can help in searching for the right products make a good structure.
  • On-Page SEO: Every page of your E-commerce site should be optimized with the relevant keywords, separately. The keywords should be according to the product and their categories. If you have a blog section for your site, every blog page is optimized individually.
  • Site health audit:  Your E-commerce site doesn’t just rank because of keywords. It needs a regular health check for the site speed, user experience, responsiveness, and broken links. Doing health check 
  • Content marketing: Content marketing is one of the most effective ways of marketing. Consumers learn more about your brand, through the content rather than from any advertisement. Moreover, content helps you rank your website, by maintaining keywords and backlinks along with it.

Many other factors can affect E-commerce SEO, like local SEO, link building, mobile SEO. Growth Guide works on all the factors that may directly or indirectly impact your Ecommerce SEO. We as a content writing agency, work on the quality of the content of your website. The content includes written content, images, and all the necessary media that is required to raise your SEO ranking.