Growth Guide

Posted by Growth Guide | 16 June 2022 | Blog

A cultural diplomacy is a form of diplomacy that adopts a cultural tool to establish, maintain, and develop foreign relations to achieve the fundamental interests of the nation, including development, security, and influence. In a broader sense, cultural diplomacy can include the introduction of achievements of the science and technique, arts, and social sciences not...

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Posted by Growth Guide | 31 July 2021 | Blog
Top Content Writing Companies In India

Content is very important for any business as it speaks about the company, the business, the product, or the services they are offering. And that is the reason why every business today, considers social media a must and tries to draw social media followers. And that’s where content comes in. Nowadays, businesses use the internet in...

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Posted by Growth Guide | 27 July 2021 | Infographics
Here Are 11 Most Valuable Lessons On Advertising

Advertising is a marketing communication that employs an openly sponsored, non-personal message to promote or sell a product, service or idea. Here are 11 most valuable lessons on Advertising.

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Posted by Growth Guide | 24 July 2021 | Blog
Difference Between Copywriting And Content Writing

What is the difference between copywriting and content writing? To understand this, read the complete article. The world is going through a lot of upgrades and changes and as people are accepting those changes, things are being revamped for the better. And while it’s possible that not all of the changes might be for the...

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Posted by Growth Guide | 18 July 2021 | Blog
5 Best Adapted Screenplays Of The Recent Past

‘And the Oscar goes to….’, hearing your own name after these words is what most people live for in the Entertainment Industry. While not many are able to realize that dream, those who do are remembered forever. Oscars have a long-range of categories thereby recognizing the efforts of every individual involved in making a movie great....

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Posted by Growth Guide | 16 July 2021 | Blog
Top 5 Famous Hollywood Movies That Are Based On Plays

Every artist has a dream to get recognized and maybe even produce a masterpiece along the way. There is a whole process involved in movie production, from idea generation to scripting, to direction, to editing, and then all the efforts go into post-production. But every once in a while a movie comes, which wins hearts...

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Posted by Growth Guide | 14 July 2021 | Blog
How To Start Blog Writing?

Blog Writing is a very important part of Content Writing because with blogs you can share information regarding your business and its services. Apart from that with blogs, you can put forth your personal opinions and beliefs on various topics. So with blogging, you create a character and a personality you attach yourself to your...

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Posted by Growth Guide | 13 July 2021 | Blog
What Is Notice Writing?

In ancient times people gained knowledge by passing information from one to another and that was how teachers taught. And while we’ve moved into modern times there are some practices that we haven’t abandoned and sharing information to gain knowledge is one of them. And while it might be useful to share information, we must...

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Posted by Growth Guide | 07 July 2021 | Blog
Mental Health In Covid Times:

Ever since the onset of lockdown in early March of 2020, people have been sitting at homes keeping to themselves and barely moving out. This lockdown has also resulted in recession, mass layoffs, and many such after-effects. With these also come a time when these times have been not one for real support of mental...

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Posted by Growth Guide | 17 June 2021 | Blog
Income, Poverty And Health Insurance Coverage In India

Back Ground: Over the last 70 years India has achieved a lot in terms of health improvement. But still India is way behind many fast-developing countries such as China, Vietnam and Sri Lanka in health indicators. In case of government funded health care system, the quality and access of services has always remained major concern....

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Posted by Growth Guide | 03 June 2021 | Blog
What Is Good Content For A Website?

In today’s world of developing technology, everything has changed from upside down. The presence of businesses online has become a necessity as most of your relevant audience is there. But to engage them you need to advertise and promote your business too. Promoting your business is what Digital Marketing is simply put. Writing a good content is...

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Posted by Growth Guide | 03 June 2021 | Blog
How To Write An SEO Optimized Article

Do you want your content to rank at the top and reach the maximum number of people on the web? It’s one of the most queried points when it comes to writing a good article for your site.Knowing how to convey your thoughts into writing is an exquisite quality of good content writing. But when you know how...

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Posted by Growth Guide | 17 April 2021 | Blog
How To Rank A Website On Google?

How to rank a website on Google SERP You know how to develop a decent website. Moreover, you know how to write a blog. Your content writing please everyone who reads it. Still, you are not able to rank your website. If you are looking for how to rank a website on Google, then you...

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Posted by Growth Guide | 14 April 2021 | Infographics
Content Marketing Strategy

Content marketing is a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience. Here is the strategy to follow for Content Marketing.

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Posted by Growth Guide | 28 March 2021 | Infographics
Do’s And Don’ts To Remember While Doing Content Marketing

Content marketing is a marketing strategy used to attract, engage, and retain an audience by creating and sharing relevant articles, videos, podcasts, and other media. Here are the Do’s and Don’ts to remember while doing Content Marketing. 

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Posted by Growth Guide | 13 March 2021 | Infographics
Points To Remember For Digital Marketing

At a high level, digital marketing refers to advertising delivered through digital channels such as search engines, websites, social media, email, and mobile apps. Here are some points to remember while doing digital marketing.

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Posted by Growth Guide | 28 February 2021 | Infographics
Rules Of Content Writing

Content writing is the process of planning, writing and editing web content, typically for digital marketing purposes. Here are the basic rules of content writing.

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Posted by Growth Guide | 15 February 2021 | Infographics
What Is SEO?

SEO is about helping search engines understand and present content. The infographic below explains its importance in contemporary times.

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Posted by Growth Guide | 28 January 2021 | Infographics
Steps Of Writing A Good Article

An article writing is a kind of writing that is written to reach a massive audience with the help of the press. Here are the 4 steps to write a good article

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Posted by Growth Guide | 15 January 2021 | Infographics
Steps Of Writing A Blog Post

A blog post is any article, news piece, or guide that’s published in the blog section of a website. Here are 5 steps to follow while writing a blog.

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Posted by Growth Guide | 25 December 2020 | Infographics
How To Improve Your Academic Writing Skills?

Academic writing is clear, concise, focussed, structured and backed up by evidence. Its purpose is to aid the reader’s understanding. Here are the tips to improve your Academic Writing.

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Posted by Growth Guide | 04 February 2023 | GRL Journals
Use of Big Data and Advanced Analytics in Article Research Papers

The use of big data and advanced analytics is rapidly growing in various industries and research fields. In recent years, the volume of data being generated has increased significantly, leading to the need for more sophisticated methods of analysis. Article research papers are no exception, as big data and advanced analytics play an increasingly important...

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Posted by Growth Guide | 04 February 2023 | GRL Journals
Impact of Article Journals on Scientific Literacy and Public Understanding

Academic journals play a critical role in the dissemination of scientific knowledge and the advancement of scientific literacy and public understanding. Through the publication of peer-reviewed research articles, academic journals help to promote a better understanding of the natural world and the many complex systems that shape our lives.However, the impact of academic journals on...

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Posted by Growth Guide | 04 February 2023 | GRL Journals
Process of Conducting a Successful Research Study

Conducting a successful research study is a complex and multi-step process, requiring careful planning, execution, and analysis. From developing a research question and hypothesis, to collecting and analyzing data, and finally reporting results, there are many factors that can contribute to the success of a research study.Here are some key steps in the process of...

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Posted by Growth Guide | 04 February 2023 | GRL Journals
The Ethics of Publishing in Article Journals: Issues and Challenges

Publishing in academic journals is an important part of the research process, but it also comes with a range of ethical considerations. As researchers seek to publish their findings, they must ensure that their work is accurate, reliable, and respectful of ethical standards. Failure to do so can have serious consequences, both for the researchers...

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Posted by Growth Guide | 04 February 2023 | GRL Journals
Impact of Article Research Papers on Society and Policy

Academic research plays a critical role in shaping society and informing policy decisions. Research papers serve as a source of knowledge, providing valuable insights into important issues and presenting evidence-based recommendations for decision-makers. As such, the impact of research papers on society and policy can be significant, helping to drive progress and improve outcomes for...

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Posted by Growth Guide | 04 February 2023 | GRL Journals
Advantages of Publishing in Interdisciplinary Article Journals

Interdisciplinary research is becoming increasingly popular as scientists and researchers from various fields work together to solve complex problems and address global challenges. This approach requires researchers to draw on knowledge from different disciplines to develop new perspectives and come up with innovative solutions. Interdisciplinary journals are the perfect platform for researchers to publish their...

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Posted by Growth Guide | 04 February 2023 | GRL Journals
Open Access Article Journals: Opportunities and Challenges for Researchers

Open access article journals have become a popular choice for researchers looking to share their work with the wider public. By making their work freely available to all, researchers can reach a wider audience and increase the impact of their research. However, the transition to open access has not been without its challenges, and researchers...

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