Growth Guide

What Is Notice Writing?

In ancient times people gained knowledge by passing information from one to another and that was how teachers taught. And while we’ve moved into modern times there are some practices that we haven’t abandoned and sharing information to gain knowledge is one of them. And while it might be useful to share information, we must do so in the right way with the right tools so that no one gets the wrong kind of information that will lead to the wrong piece of knowledge. A primary way of sharing information is by providing notice. A formal means of communication, Notice Writing is usually seen in public and common places that are viewable easily whether offline or online. A very common means of communication notices usually provide information about something that is going to happen or has already happened. As said before, notices are formal and are written or printed announcements.

While the targeted audience is usually huge and therefore can mean any of these things, an upcoming event, competition, Lost and Found notice, or just a piece of information for the targeted audience. They are usually precise and to the point without many useless talks and the reason for that is because the purpose of a notice is to impart knowledge and to do so achieving a big target within a small amount of time.

Types of Notice

Notice can be written in different types depending on their organizations. While that makes it a little complicated to understand, an answer to the problem is differentiating them based on their functions. And thus these are the following types of notice writing:

  • Informational Notice: Used to let people know about certain facts or information. Things such as meetings, sales, admission, payment notices, etc. come under this.
  • Prohibition Notice: As the name suggests prohibition notice usually tells about prohibiting or banning something tangible or intangible. These can include banning a product, or banning a dress code, or banning a practice, etc.
  • · Warning Notice: Used to alert individuals about certain things. Warning notices are mostly used as last date or last-minute alerts for things such as payments, or offers, etc.
  • Invitation Notice: Invitation notices are usually provided to invite people on different occasions. These can include something as exciting as marriages or celebrations and something as mundane as offers and sales days. · Public Notice: Unlike its precedences, public notices don’t have a targeted audience. And thus, it has a ‘To whomsoever may it concern’ kind of feeling and that’s what makes it unique. With its aim of being bland on the targeted audience and therefore covering everyone.

Format of notices

With various types of notices and their different kinds of requirements, notices are very complex to write and thus all of this requires a sturdy base to safely stay on. And that’s where the format of notice writing comes in. Because all notices are formal or business documents, they follow a proper format of writing. Notices usually follow a format and stick to it. A notice is usually written in the following five different stages:

  • Name of the organization: Usually present on the top of the page, it represents and provides the name of the organization and of which the person issuing the notice is part. Also, in terms of targeting a name of the organization specifically segments the audience and readers.
  • Title ‘Notice’: There is ‘Notice’ written on the title which automatically lets the reader know that they are going to read the notice and are thus going to gain information on something. Writing a big and bold ‘NOTICE’ in the centre of the paper helps draw attention to the document. As notices are usually found in a public place or published in newspapers then they can get lost in a sea of information. And thus, to attract attention a bold title mentioned word attracts the attention.
  • Date: Found in the left corner of the notice writing and comes after the title. Because of notices being a formal mode of communication, letting them know the date of issuing is very important. Written in a proper format, dates should be easy to understand because sometimes notices have periods that need to be followed. · Heading: Similar to ‘subject’ in emails wherein the subject explains the purpose of the email in short. Thus, a heading explains what the notice is in brief. Written in the centre of the notice heading reflects the content of the meeting.
  • Body: Present on the left side of the frame the body of the notice contains the main content of the notice. With most important information in a notice such as time, venue, date, etc. The body of a notice doesn’t use first-person and is mostly in a passive voice.
  • Ending: A notice ends with the name of the writer in capital letters, followed by a signature of the writer to let the readers know who is the writer, and ends with the position that the writer holds in that particular organization.

Important Points in the body

Usually mentioned in the form of 5 W’s are the important points that should be followed when writing a notice.

  • What: To know what the notice is actually about. It’s important that you stay precise and to the point about what will happen or has already happened. As it is the reason that you need to write a notice and therefore should be paid greater attention.
  • Where: In the case that a notice is written for an event, the venue must be mentioned and without any assumptions. In case of an event venue or the location are important details and therefore must be present on the notice.
  • When: The time and the date of the event or meeting should be mentioned so that people don’t miss it. The duration of the meeting should also be mentioned so that people can attend the meeting while also talking about anything else and thus plan their schedule accordingly.
  • Who: A mention to all those that are related to this notice must be mentioned to avoid any confusion. And thus it’ll be those that the notice is addressed to. · Whom: Finally, a mention about whom to contact or get in touch with. With a mention of who the authorities are. And there it is folks. A guide to writing a notice and what to do and not to do.

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